What is a Naturopath?

What is a Naturopath?

In its most basic form, naturopathy is a holistic approach to health and wellness. It turns its back to prescription medications and looks more intimately at alternative healing methods. These may include herbal supplements, diet, exercise, hydration, stress management, and various non-invasive techniques that can lead to greater wellness.


Natural remedies are used to encourage healing within the body. This requires looking at the whole person, rather than just the symptoms they are presenting with.


Let’s take a closer look at what naturopathy entails.

What Do Naturopaths Treat?

There are many conditions that a naturopath may treat, depending on the individual. A few common conditions include:


●    Chronic pain

●    Digestive issues

●    Endocrine conditions — especially thyroid dysfunction

●    Hormonal imbalances

●    Fatigue

●    Headaches and migraines

●    Women’s health conditions

●    Autoimmune disorders

●    Nutrient deficiencies


It is important to note that this type of treatment is very personalized, based on the specific symptoms of the patient —and is all about getting to the root cause of why they are happening.

Who Practices Naturopathy?

Naturopathic doctors (ND) or doctors of naturopathic medicine (NMD) are known as naturopathic physicians. They typically will have to go through courses similar to those in med school, but they also study things like nutrition, herbal medicine, and homeopathy.


However, there are many people who practice this type of medicine, including some traditional doctors and other healthcare professionals, too. These individuals prefer to use nutraceuticals, medicine therapies, lifestyle, and dietary modifications that help patients find healing and feel better.


Again, a healthcare professional doesn’t have to be a naturopathic doctor in order to use natural remedies. Some medical doctors, functional neurologists, or board-certified chiropractic neurologists in Stuart, FL use natural medicine as part of their treatment for patients. Infact, it is becoming more and more common.

Can You Really Heal Naturally?

The body is very capable of healing naturally when it has what it needs. And working with a professional, you can undergo the proper blood tests to get to the bottom of your ailments. These tests are much like you would do with a medical doctor, but they dig deeper and look much further in order to get answers.


From these tests, a plan can be created to help your body properly heal. Instead of addressing symptoms and treating them with prescription drugs that can bring on more side effects, you are getting to the root cause of your illness. This will allow you to correct it once and for all.


For instance, a B-12 deficiency can lead to extreme fatigue, muscle weakness, pins and needles in the hands and feet, depression, and more. Blood tests will reveal this deficiency – as long as you are looking for it. And a healthcare professional who uses natural medicine is always looking for it.


Another example is a dysfunctional thyroid. This can leave you with all types of symptoms, such as irregular heartbeat, fatigue, anxiety, depression, weight loss/gain, insomnia, muscle weakness, and so forth. Treating the symptoms will not help the thyroid. Addressing the reason for the dysfunction will correct the thyroid and stop the symptoms. See the difference?



So, can you heal naturally? Absolutely. Maybe it is time you put your trust in a board-certified functional neurologist in Stuart, Florida.

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